DCC launches public consultation on Liberties creative campus
Gary Ibbotson 18 Feb 2021
Dublin City Council has launched a public consultation on “ambitious plans” to develop a “creative campus” in middle of the Liberties, Dublin 8.

According to the council, “the proposals are part of an Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) regeneration project that aims to deliver new workspace for artists within the city.
“In total three initial council owned sites have been identified, at Bridgefoot Street and at 8 and 9 Merchants Quay (the site of the former Little St Anthony’s Theatre).
“The vision of the project is to jointly develop the sites and properties, and partnering with existing organisations in Dublin 8, such as the existing NCAD site, to form a campus for the arts and cultural sector that will also deliver new community facilities and public spaces.”
To view and browse the concept plans, click here.
To make your say on the plans, you can click here.