597 public housing units for Shanganagh, Dun Laoghaire

Gary Ibbotson 01 Feb 2021

Construction of 597 public housing units in Shanganagh, Dún Laoghaire have been given the greenlight by Minister for Housing, Darragh O’Brien TD who has provided €17,665,500 in exchequer funding for the project.

The funding under the Serviced Sites Fund will enable the construction of 597 public housing units, including 306 cost-rental homes, 200 social housing units, and 91 units for affordable purchase.

The development is currently the largest social and affordable scheme with planning permission in Ireland.

Speaking on the announcement, Fianna Fáil TD for Dún Laoghaire and Dublin Spokesperson, Cormac Devlin said: “News that Minister Darragh O’Brien has allocated €17.6m for the construction of 597 badly needed public housing units in Shanganagh is very welcome.

“Significantly, the 306 cost-rental units will assist those people earning above the eligibility threshold for social housing or HAP but struggling to pay market rent while also saving for a deposit to buy their own home.

“It is anticipated the cost-rental units will be let for about €1,000 per month for one-bed and €2,000 per month for two-bed units, this represents a significant discount on average rents in Dún Laoghaire.

“Given the location, amenities and convenient access to the DART, I expect the cost-rental units will be highly sought after,” he said.

The scheme will be developed by the Land Development Agency on a 9.6 hectares site adjacent to Shanganagh Castle and Shanganagh Park, and will be within 10 minutes’ walk of the proposed DART station at Woodbrook.

Construction on the €180m project designed by ABK Architects is expected to start on the site in the first half of 2021.

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