482 apartments and 22-storey block proposed for Carrickmines
Gary Ibbotson 05 Jan 2021
Planning permission has been filed with An Bord Pleanala (ABP) for the development of 482 apartments as a Strategic Housing Development (SHD) on a site at Golf Lane, Carrickmines.

The plans, submitted by Bowbeck DAC, show that the apartments will be spread over seven blocks with one building reaching 22-storeys in height, making it the joint-highest residential building in Dublin.
The site has an area of 2.56 hectares and is bound to the north by the M50 motorway, by Golf Lane to the east and to the west by Glenamuck Road.
An existing residential development is located to the south of the property.
The proposal also includes the development of residential amenities, a childcare facility, gym and a local shop.
Labour councillor for the area, Lettie McCarthy said she is “horrified” by the plans and says she is “completely dismayed that an application like this in such a beautiful, picturesque part of Dublin could ever be considered by a planning authority.”
McCarthy says that Golf Lane leads to the “tranquil” Carrickmines Golf Course which borders the Dingle Glen, a proposed national heritage area.
“It is a particularly sensitive part of our county,” she said.
In 2018, the Bowbeck DAC filed for permission to construct 250 apartments on the site where buildings would have reached six storeys in height.
At the time, chair of the Kilternan, Glenamuck and Carrickmines Residents Association Aileen Eglington said there are huge traffic concerns and that the locals are “not against housing” but rather they are “against inappropriate development”.
“I think the general feeling is that the roads cannot cope with all of this,” she said.
“First of all, the National Transport Authority seemed to have a policy of not having too much development on motorways, yet this is allowed. That junction around Carrickmines is mad.
“Also, no-one is looking at the traffic management from the M50 from Junction 15 down to the N11 and into Kilmacanogue. [It’s] crazy so many days.”
That proposed development was rejected by An Bord Pleanala, with the developers now filing for a larger scheme.
McCarthy says that large planning developments such as the one proposed must “consider so much more than building housing units,” it has to “balance quality of life for new and existing residents.”
“It must ensure there is adequate outdoor space, recreational areas and access to good reliable public transport and decent pedestrian and cycling infrastructure.
“The environmental cost of removing trees, wildlife corridors and hedgerows must be taken into account as we and the generations who come after us are and will pay the price.”
McCarthy says she is “angry with the Government,” for allowing SHD planning applications to continue as they “are not fit for purpose and further erodes democracy.”
Since 2017, planning applications with more than 100 residential units can bypass local authorities and instead can be fast-tracked to An Bord Pleanala for approval.
“The short turn around time for planners to consider the amount of detail in these files is less than adequate, especially during a pandemic with people working from home,” said McCarthy.
“As a Councillor representing this area, I am inundated with complaints of traffic delays, unsafe walking and cycling infrastructure and no access to recreational space.
“Let’s get these problems sorted before we decide to put further pressure on an area already creaking at the seams.”
The application filed with ABP contains a statement explaining how the proposal will be consistent with the objective of the Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Development Plan 2016-2022 and the Cherrywood Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme 2014.