Council launches engagement on proposed ‘New Safe Walking and Cycling Routes’
Padraig Conlon 25 Sep 2020
As part of the Active School Travel initiative launched in August 2020, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Council has launched public engagement on three new pilot safe routes to upgrade and connect the existing walking and cycling network in the County.

These new, consolidated routes totalling approximately 20 kilometres in length are aimed at encouraging increased walking and cycling to school, and for wider use by the general public.
Maps and a description of the three pilot routes are included in the Information and Engagement Booklet available on the DLR website at
Phase 1 of this project is being undertaken up to and including Friday 23rd October 2020.
As part of this process, DLR invite your feedback on the proposed routes, as shown on the maps in the Information and Engagement Booklet to help inform Phases 2 and 3 of the project.
Feedback can be given in the following ways, quoting ‘Active School Travel’:
Use the dlr Consultation Hub ‘Citizen’s Space’ available at
Active School Travel Project,
Infrastructure and Climate Change Department,
Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council,
County Hall,
Marine Road,
Dún Laoghaire
A96 K6C9
Your feedback on Phase 1 can be submitted up to and including Friday 23rd October 2020. The Council’s Privacy Statement is available on our website.
Speaking of the launch An Cathaoirleach, Cllr Una Power, said:
“The Active School Travel initiative has resulted in significant interest from schools, parents, and children, in increasing cycling and walking to school.
“Since schools across the County have re-opened, it has been very encouraging to see parents and children using the Council’s recent cycling measures put in place over the summer period.
“To continue these efforts, the three pilot routes proposed are being designed to be a safe option linking a number of existing routes across our County.
“I invite everyone to consider the proposed routes and give us your thoughts and feedback on Phase 1.
“There will be an ongoing opportunity to give us feedback on the later phases of the project.”