New Vincent’s charity shop opens in Ballinteer
Dublin People 10 Aug 2019
A NEW Vincent’s shop has been opened in Ballinteer.

David Gillick Olympian, 400m Track Champion and winner of Masterchef Ireland 2013, who grew
up in Ballinteer, cut the red tape as he performed the official opening.
St Vincent’s Ballinteer is open, Monday to Saturday from 9.30am until 5.30pm. Shop manager Fiona Foley said that the new shop is welcoming applications for volunteers.
In terms of donations it accepts clean clothing, curtains, footwear, Bric-a-Brac, household items, paintings, jewellery and collectables.
However, they cannot accept furniture, electrical goods, mattresses, duvets, pillows, underwear or safety items such as helmets or car seats.
The Vincent’s shop on Ballinteer Avenue is the 43rd Vincent’s shop operating in the Society of St Vincent de Paul, East Region (Dublin, Kildare and Wicklow)
There are almost 230 SVP shops throughout the country.
St Vincent’s charity shops are a very important aspect of the service SVP provides.
Not only do they provide people with new and lightly worn items at affordable prices, they also provide an income source for the Society, which is recycled directly back into the community.
The charity shops are managed by a small number of professionals, assisted by a large number of volunteers and by community employment trainees.
Local SVP Conferences can also provide people with Vincent’s Gift Tokens for clothing and furniture, which they can use in any of the shops.
“The second-hand clothes and other items donated to St Vincent’s shops make a difference to people in need in their communities,” a spokesperson said.