Warning: lethal veterinary medicine stolen in Walkinstown
Dublin People 29 Oct 2015
GARDAÍ in Crumlin are investigating the theft of dangerous substances during a burglary at a premises on Walkinstown Rd on the night of October 28/29.

The burglary occurred at a veterinary surgery on Walkinstown Road, Dublin 12, duriung which a 8 x 100ml of Dolethal was taken. This veterinary medicine is used by surgeons to administer euthanasia to animals
This medicine is extremely dangerous and can be lethal if taken orally or injected by humans.
Gardai in Crumlin are appealing for members of the public to notify them if they have any information which can assist them locating the medicine by contacting Crumlin on 01-6666200, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111 or any Garda station.