Coolmine school being “neglected” by government, says Walsh
Mike Finnerty 21 Nov 2024
Labour councillor John Walsh has criticised the Department of Education and Minister for Education Norma Foley for “neglecting” the roof in Coolmine Community School.
The Dublin West candidate said that the roof is in an “appalling” condition, and said “students and staff should not have to dodge buckets in the corridors and work on a daily basis in such difficult conditions which could easily compromise their health and safety.”
Walsh, who sits on the board of the Coolmine Community School, said “it is disgraceful that the Department of Education turned down the school’s recent request for Emergency Works funding to make essential repairs to the roof.”
“Coolmine Community School is the oldest and one of the most successful community schools in the country and the first community school or college in Dublin 15 – the school deserves the full support of Government Ministers in the constituency whose silence on this has been deafening’.
He added it was “baffling” that the Minister for Education Norma Foley can provide €9 million for mobile phone pouches, but there is no apparently money for essential repairs to Coolmine Community School.”
“The school should have received a new building years ago, but instead it has been shamefully neglected by the Department of Education.”
At a November 7th Local Area Committee meeting on Fingal County Council, Walsh secured approval for a motion calling on the Minister for Education to deliver Emergency Works funding urgently for Coolmine Community School and to start planning for a new school building.
Walsh said “I am calling on the Minister to act immediately to provide essential funding to repair the roof at the school – Coolmine should not have to wait for a new Minister or a new Government. This is yet another example of bad planning and inadequate investment in schools under the present government.”