DCU Students’ Union issues call for local residents to rent out spare rooms to students
Padraig Conlon 18 Jul 2023
The Students’ Union at Dublin City University is urging local residents to make spare rooms available for students to rent for the upcoming academic year.

The ongoing housing crisis continues to deeply impact students, with affordable accommodation within commuting distance of the university becoming more and more difficult to source.
Local residents can rent spare rooms to students tax-free, up to an annual limit.
Rental income from renting a room in your home is exempt from tax, up to a maximum of €14,000.
A recent change by Government means this exemption also applies to council houses.
A dedicated website for advertising rooms is now live on DCU Studentpad.
The site offers a safe and secure way for potential landlords to advertise spare rooms, and for students to search for accommodation that best suits their needs.
DCU SU President Thomas O’Dowd said:
“Demand for student accommodation continues to far outstrip demand, and is the primary concern that DCU students are contacting their SU about.
“Students are commuting huge distances, from all around the country, because they simply cannot find affordable accommodation close to the University.
“DCUStudentPad offers a safe and secure way for local residents to advertise their spare rooms, and for students to avail of accommodation close to the DCU campus. I would encourage any local resident who has the capacity to offer a room to rent, to do so through StudentPad.”
A number of information sessions will be held in the coming weeks for residents interested in offering rooms for students.
- In-Person Information Sessions
- Tuesday 25 July, 11am-1pm, The U Building (DCU Glasnevin Campus)
- Thursday 27 July, 4pm-6pm, Cregan Library (DCU St Patrick’s Campus)
- Thursday 24 August, 6pm-8pm, The U Building (DCU Glasnevin Campus)
- Monday 28 August, 12pm-2pm, Cregan Library (DCU St Patrick’s Campus)
- Online Information Session
- Wednesday 2 August, 7pm, visit this link to register your interest
DCU has recently announced plans to construct accommodation for an additional 405 students on our Glasnevin campus.
Up to €41 million subsidy has been allocated for the new beds as part of the government initiative to activate purpose built student accommodation projects with planning permission.
30% of the new beds will be made available at discounted rates for recipients of SUSI grants.