‘€300m bill for Metro Link without a track in sight’
Padraig Conlon 05 Jul 2023![](https://dublinpeople.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/metrolink-update-deferred-0734000000.jpg)
Independent Dublin City Councillor for Ballymun/Finglas and chair of the Traffic SPC Noeleen Reilly has expressed concern at the spend on Metro link despite no progress on building.
Speaking from Ballymun yesterday she said:
“Metro North was one of the key selling points for the Ballymun Regeneration.
“Along with a new shopping centre, the new light rail project was due to finally connect Ballymun with Dublin Airport supporting economic activity in the area.
“It has gone off the table so many times then brought back with new ministers, new photos ops, that it does not surprise me that the spending on this has reached colossal levels.
“We are a great country for talking about doing things, getting consultants on board and then shelving the project despite have spent a lot of money.
“The new date for completion is 2035 and the fact is that residents in the area no longer believe the promises it will actually happen.
“The Government have now budgeted €9.5 billion euro a huge increase from the original target.
“This is exactly what happens when you put important projects on the long finger.
“Residents on the Northside of Dublin deserve just as good transport links as anywhere else.
“We are trying to get people away from the cars and into public transport but if we do not provide them with options then it simply wont happen.
“It is so frustrating to see that announcement today on spending when we don’t have a single track laid.”