Help from local residents sought on identifying illegal drone activity
Padraig Conlon 28 Mar 2023
As part of a joint initiative to combat the illegal use of drones near airports, an information leaflet will be circulated to residential, commercial, and retail outlets located around Dublin Airport.
The leaflet has been prepared and issued by An Garda Siochana, daa – the operator of Dublin Airport, and the Irish Aviation Authority.
It highlights the dangers of unauthorised flying of drones within 5km of the airport and urges anybody who see such actions to report them to An Garda Siochana immediately.
Peter Kearney, CEO of the Irish Aviation Authority, said that this was part of the ongoing safety campaign carried out by the three organisations to stop the illegal operation of drones with the restricted areas around the airport.
“Unauthorised operation of a drone in this area is reckless and dangerous and potentially puts the lives of passengers and aircraft crews at risk. The illegal use of drones may result in prosecution resulting in a prison sentence,” he said.
Kenny Jacobs, CEO of daa, the operator of Dublin Airport, added: “We strongly urge drone owners to follow the strict regulations on the operation of drones to avoid any disruption to our passengers and airline partners. T
“The drone detection system in place at Dublin Airport, allied with new counter drone technology once deployed, allows us to focus on our top priorities in aviation, namely safety and security,” he said.
Assistant Commissioner Angela Willis, Dublin Metropolitan Region said An Garda Síochána was fully committed to supporting our partners in the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) and the Dublin Airport Authority (daa) in highlighting the significant risk to public safety posed by the unauthorised use of drones in the vicinity of Dublin Airport.
“We ask all drone operators to ensure that they are aware of the relevant regulations and legislation governing the use of drones around Dublin Airport.
“The operation of unauthorised drones within a 5km radius of Dublin Airport is illegal.
“Any sightings of unauthorised drones around Dublin Airport should be reported to An Garda Síochána, who will fully investigate all incidents.
“As crime prevention always includes the cooperation of the public, the three organisations are confident that the local residents will play their part in this campaign to stamp out this reckless activity by reporting any sightings of drones near the airport to An Garda Siochana.”