€250,000 for healthcare services in Ballymun
Gary Ibbotson 07 Dec 2022
Dublin City Council is partnering with the HSE and community-led organisations to address health inequalities and improve local health and wellbeing in Ballymun.

Funding of €250,000 has been allocated to enhance community facilities that focus on health and wellbeing.
Lord Mayor of Dublin Caroline Conroy launched the Ballymun Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme at a community event in the Axis, Ballymun on Friday, December 2.
Speaking at the event Conroy said: “The challenge of addressing health inequalities in our communities requires not only interventions to target particular health risks, but also a broad focus on addressing the wider determinants of health.
“To make real and lasting change we need to work together to create communities where people can thrive,” she says.
“This means putting in place the right building blocks for health, stable jobs, good pay, quality housing, good education and accessible amenities that enhance and improve our built environment.
“Our new Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme is being delivered locally in Ballymun by Dublin City Council working in partnership with the HSE health and wellbeing services, local primary care network services, the Northside and Northwest Area Partnerships and local community groups including Young Ballymun and the Ballymun Family Resource Centre.
“We will all work together to ensure that our communities in greatest need are supported to live longer healthier lives,” she said.
Conroy says the funds will be used to aid a wide range of services.
“For example, working closely with our Ballymun Area Manager Jackie O’Reilly and Stephen Groome of our Parks and Biodiversity Department, funds will be used to support improvements to Balcurris and Coultry Park,” she says.
“This includes upgrading the playground area and pathways in Balcurris to provide better access and constructing a new Reflective Garden to support community healthy place making and wellbeing.
“We are also looking to provide new outdoor gym equipment in Balcurris and Coultry parks in 2023.”
Conroy says these are “exciting times for the community in Ballymun and I look forward to seeing more of the great progress that has already been made.
Patricia Tallon, Dublin City’s Local Development Officer for Ballymun Healthy Communities Programme said: “We are excited to be working with existing community partners with reach and engagement in the Ballymun community.
“They are a key asset to our programme as they are already embedded in the community.
“To support their work we have allocated a financial contribution from our 2022 seed funding resources.
“For example, the Ballymun Fun Run Committee are organising a Santa Dash and two fun runs to take place in Trinity Comprehensive on Frida, December 9.
“Over 1,000 students have registered for this seasonal health and wellbeing initiative.”