LDA pushes forward with plan for 247 social homes in Hansfield
Gary Ibbotson 04 Nov 2022
The Land Development Agency (LDA) has signed a contract to deliver 247 cost-rental homes in Hansfield, Dublin 15.

The development falls under the LDA’s Project Tosaigh initiative, a multi-phase programme which projects to deliver 5,000 affordable homes by the end of 2026.
Construction on the project has begun and delivery of the homes is expected to take place during 2024.
The homes will be made available to rent by the LDA upon completion.
Hansfield is located near Ongar in north-west Dublin and is serviced by “excellent public transport into the city by train and quality bus corridor,” says a spokesperson.
“It benefits from an Educate Together Primary and Secondary School and extensive green space and communal facilities.”
Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien TD welcomed the commencement of the development.
“The announcement of the second Project Tosaigh project demonstrates the progress the LDA is making in accelerating the delivery of affordable housing.
“It will mean 5,000 new homes by the end of 2026 which will be incremental to the supply the LDA will is already working on through its state land pipeline.
“Through Housing for All, our plan for housing to 2030, we will ensure that land with planning permission doesn’t sit idle when families and individuals urgently want their own home.
“With the LDA we will deliver social, affordable purchase and cost rental homes at scale.”
John Coleman, CEO of the Land Development Agency said Project Tosaigh is accelerating “the delivery of affordable housing” by constructing on private land.
“We intend to deliver 5,000 affordable homes by 2026 through this approach, substantially increasing our delivery capability in the short-term.
“Whilst our longer-term approach continues to focus on publicly owned land, it makes sense for the LDA to step in as a catalyst to speed up affordable homes delivery that is needed now, with the security of knowing all homes will be either retained in public ownership or made available for households to purchase on an affordable basis.”
Project Tosaigh was announced last year by the Government and aims to unlock land in private ownership that has planning permission but where delivery has stalled due to financing and other constraints.
Housing delivered under Project Tosaigh will comprise of homes for rent and affordable purchase under and specific scheme information will be made available via the LDA website.
The LDA has contracted with the McGarrell Reilly Group for the delivery of the 247 apartments.