Gardaí arrest man in connection with series of robberies in Finglas

Gary Ibbotson 05 May 2022

Gardaí from Finglas have arrested a man in his 20s following a series of robbery incidents in the area on Wednesday May 4, 2022.

A Garda spokesperson said in a statement: “Shortly before 8am, Gardaí were alerted after a man armed with a knife entered a supermarket on Finglas Road.

“It’s understood he threatened a number of staff members at knife point before making off with a quantity of cigarettes.

“Moments later a mobile phone was taken from staff member working at a nearby filling station after he was threatened by a man armed with a knife.

“A number of local Garda units quickly responded to both incidents and a man armed with a knife was arrested as he attempted to leave the filling station.

“The man, who is aged in his 20s, was taken to Finglas Garda Station where he is currently detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice act, 1984. Ha can be held of up to 24 hours.”

Following the arrest further incidents involving a man armed with a knife were reported in the area including; the hijacking of bicycle and attempted robberies at a café and convenience store.

A knife, a number of mobile phones, cash and a bicycle have been recovered by investigating Gardaí.

All of the scenes have been forensically examined by Garda scenes of crime officers.

Investigations are ongoing.

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