Councillor blasts former ‘Plough Bar’ site as ‘bad deal for housing and Dublin’
Padraig Conlon 06 Jul 2021
Sinn Féin North West Inner City Councillor Janice Boylan has spoken out against the selling off of prime land in the city centre at a loss to a private developer.

Dublin City Councillors were asked to sell a site in the city centre at a discount of €250k to a developer only to buy back six homes on the site at market value.
“Sinn Féin absolutely opposes the sale of this land to private developers,” Cllr Boylan said.
“DCC should be leading the development of this site instead of selling it off.
“Dublin City Council bought the former Plough bar on Abbey St/Marlborough St in 2017 for €850k.
“Fast forward to 2021, DCC management now want to sell it off for €550k to a private developer.
“City Council will then look to buy the six apartments built on the site back at full market value.
“This is public money being used to bank-roll private developers at huge cost to tax payers.
“No way could the Sinn Féin group support this.
“I am disappointed that Councillors who say they support public housing on public land could support this bad deal for housing and bad deal for Dublin.”