Senator says Government must stop ‘fobbing off’ women’s healthcare issues
Padraig Conlon 21 Jun 2021
Labour employment spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock has said it is ‘simply unacceptable’ that the Rotunda Hospital did not receive the full funding it sought last year to update equipment.

Praising the care provided by the staff at the maternity hospital, Senator Sherlock said women and their families ‘deserve better.’
“The staff at the Rotunda hospital are renowned for the care and service they provide to women and families,” Senator Sherlock said.
“However it is simply unacceptable that the hospital has been left pleading for funding for the equipment necessary to provide a full modern maternity service.
“Pregnant women have enough to be anxious about at the moment without waking up to news that the HSE is failing to provide full funding to the Rotunda.
“I am deeply concerned to hear that the hospital has been left fighting for funds to create an urgent critical care wing, a lifesaving centre for new born babies.
“Whether it is out of date machines, or the urgent need for a new critical care wing, the Government must ensure that the Rotunda and other hospitals get this basic funding. The Minister needs to now investigate the reasons why this funding was not provided, and release all information relating to other maternity hospitals in the country.
“The Rotunda is one of the foremost maternity hospitals in the State. The staff deserve better, women and their families deserve reassurance. The Minister needs to provide reassurance to all women and their families about the equipment in use.
“The Government can’t keep kicking women’s healthcare issues down the line. There’s babies being born now. Families need reassurance now.”