Minister O’Brien urges Fingal residents to engage in tree policy
Gary Ibbotson 16 Mar 2021
Fingal residents are being urged to voice their opinion on the local authority’s tree strategy, says local Minister Joe O’Brien.

The strategy, which is currently in the public consultation phase, was launched as a result of a motion tabled by Deputy O’Brien during his time as a councillor.
“The strategy is intended to safeguard some of Fingal’s most valuable natural assets; to protect and enhance Fingal’s trees, to maximise both the benefits they offer and the character they bring to the county, and to ensure a greener and healthier Fingal for now and future generations,” says Deputy O’Brien.
“Trees are one of my favourite parts of nature and one of our most important connections with the natural world.
“They give us the air we breathe, they foster biodiversity, they have a key role in the battle against climate change, they improve the appearance and quality of life in our towns and villages, and they have offered us sanctuary especially over the last year.
“Planting trees together is a great way to build community spirit and cohesion.”
Deputy O’Brien says it is “really important” that Fingal communities voice their opinion on what the council’s tree policy should consist of.
“It’s really important that we let Fingal County Council know how important trees are to us and that we all provide feedback on the draft strategy, as it will define the future of trees in Fingal for many years to come.
“In my submission to the Fingal Tree strategy I will be emphasising three things.”
These are the need to “dramatically increase tree cover in Fingal,” to seek out “appropriate opportunities to bring more trees into our public spaces,” and “engage with communities in the process of planting trees.”
“Check out the public consultation on Fingal’s website and make your voice heard before the 28th of March.”