Award boost for Glasnevin Cemetery Museum
Dublin People 19 Jul 2017
GLASNEVIN Cemetery Museum has been awarded interim accreditation with the Museum Standards Programme for Ireland (MPSI).

The Programme, which started in 2006 with just 12 participants, now has 57 museums across the island of Ireland, participating in it.
It recognises excellence in caring for collections, museum management, education, exhibition and visitor services.
The accreditation assessor said:
“In the short period since its establishment the Museum has won public and professional accolades for its building and displays, and is now, through engagement with the MSPI scheme, consolidating its position with regard to the care and scope of its collections.
“The Glasnevin Trust is to be congratulated on the exceptional improvements that have been made to the collections store. The Trust is also to be congratulated on the thoroughness of the systems they have developed for collections documentation, condition monitoring and care.
“At first assessment these areas were very basic, but are now well developed and supported by a useful documentation procedural manual, a range of monitoring systems, and an experienced care of collections museums assistant.
“It is a credit to all involved at the Glasnevin Cemetery Museum that such a clear and compliant application has been made. It shows a substantial engagement with the MSPI standards at policy and procedural levels; and has been achieved by a very small professional team with the support of the Board.
“The assessors were very impressed by the highly professional approach adopted and made particular reference to the work completed to determine the future development of the Museum’s collections.
The Museum Standards Programme for Ireland (MSPI) was established by the Heritage Council to benchmark and promote professional standards in the care of collections and to recognise through accreditation the achievement of those standards within the Irish museum sector. Dublin Castle State Apartments was awarded Full Accreditation for the first time in recognition of their work in collection care, governance, and visitor care and access.