21 things you’ll remember if you grew up in Finglas
Dublin People 16 May 2016
DID you grow up in Finglas? Here are 21 things you might recall from your childhood.
1. Your Ma did the shopping in H Williams or 3 Guys.
2. You made your confo in the Tin Church.
3. You went to the Spanish Hall disco.
4. You tormented the milkman and breadman by ‘scutting’ on the back of their trucks.
5. You had at least one relative who worked at Merville Dairies – or Premier Dairies as it later became.
6. You fished for pinkeens by the Tolka as a kid.
7. And drank flagons of cider there as a teenager.
8. You got groceries on ‘tick’ from a van shop.
9. A day out in the countryside was a cycle up to Ashbourne.
10. You remember Floppy the dog who lived on the grassy hill at the corner of Finglas Road and the Tolka Valley Road.
11. You were told if you ran around the Church of Annunciation 10 times you’d see somebody fall off the cross.
12. You were nobody without a pair of elephant flares and a tank top.
13. You swam in the ‘Silver Spoon’ or Tolka during the summer.
14. You bought sweets from Foxy’s van.
15. You frequented the disco bar in the Drake but your parents preferred the Drake Cabaret with chicken and chips included in the entry fee.
16. You bought a pound tray in Hoi Wun… for a pound.
17. You would go to Bray, Skerries or Rush with the summer project.
18. You went in to town on the 40, 40A or 40C, and waited hours on the 17A if you wanted to go to Ballymun or Blanch.
19. You remember when Dunsink was a dump and not an observatory.
20. You sometimes woke up and found a horse in the garden.
21. You tied a rope to a lamppost to make a swing.
- 21 things youâ??ll remember if you grew up in Finglas