Garda promise action on Santry burglaries
Dublin People 24 Oct 2015GARDAI have vowed to take action in response to a recent worring increase of burglaries in Santry.
Latest figures from the Central Statistics Office show a surge of almost 14 per cent in burglaries reported to Santry Gardai since the start of the year.
And locals believe the situation is getting worse.
Local Councillor Noeleen Reilly (SF) expressed concern at the rise in burglaries, especially in the Lorcan and Magenta areas.
“I have received numerous reports from residents about burglaries in the area,” she said.
“This was also one of the main items on the agenda at the recent Lorcan Residents’ Association meeting where the Gardaí made a presentation to residents on keeping their homes safer.
“The estate itself is very settled and would be home to quite a few older citizens.”
Cllr Reilly believes the closure of Whitehall Garda Station and cutbacks at Santry Garda Station has put a huge strain on policing resources in the area.
“We do not have enough Gardaí in the Santry, Whitehall and Ballymun area,” she added.
In response to a query from Cllr Reilly Chief Superintendent at Ballymun Garda Station, Finbarr O’Brien, outlined measures aimed at tacking the rise in burglaries.
“Gardaí in Santry are aware of a number of burglaries in the Lorcan area and have deployed and will continue to deploy additional plain clothes and uniform patrols in that area,” he said.
“As the evenings close in there will be a noticeable increase in Garda presence in that area as I will be recommencing high profile anti-Burglary patrols that proved very effective last year.”