Sherlock criticises “sudden uprooting” of Ukrainians from Dublin 1

Mike Finnerty 24 Feb 2025

Dublin Central TD Marie Sherlock has demanded that Minster Jim O’ Callaghan and Minister Colm Brophy reverse the sudden uprooting of some 240 Ukrainians from Dublin 1 due to take place this coming week.

The Labour TD said, “it is outrageous that the government would act towards any group of people in this way.”

On Feburary 20th, Ukrainians in the Hubble Student Accommodation facility in Mayor Street in Dublin 1 were given just six days’ notice of their move to an equestrian centre in Kill in Co. Kildare.

Sherlock stated the residents were told a move would happen by March 13th at the latest, but no prior warning had been given.

Of the 240 Ukrainians at the site, there are 49 school students and 77 in employment.

“The reasoning put forward by the government does not add up,” Sherlock said.

“Firstly, the government has claimed it needs to vacate the rooms to protect the rent pressure zone status of the student accommodation; that is not accurate.”

“The RPZ exemption has already kicked in because the student accommodation units have not been rented out to students for more than two years.”

“Secondly, most third level students are between 6 and 10 weeks away from end of term. It is highly likely that most of the rooms vacated by the Ukrainians will remain empty until the summer.”

She said the decision by government is “unconscionable.”

“All of this flies in the face of a stated Government intent to try and help Ukranians integrate into the communities they live in.”

“It also reflects the utterly chaotic manner in which the unit on Integration in the Department operates and the serious lack of planning for relocation. Critical questions have to be asked about why the contract with the student accommodation operator is being terminated early.”

The Labour TD said she met with I with approximately 50 of the Ukrainian residents at the site and was shown letters from school principals and GPs about the trauma and anxiety that some of the young and older persons are currently experiencing.

“On the third anniversary of the Ukrainian war, the irony is not lost on us that while the government are saying they stand by the Ukrainian people, their actions in Dublin 1 are causing immense distress.”

“Many of the residents have tried desperately to access private rented accommodation but are completely priced out. There is now a vicious circle in that Ukrainians who are highly skilled in their own professions are being blocked and delayed in working here and are thus confined to low paying jobs.

“Minister O’Callaghan and Minister Brophy must intervene and delay all relocation of Ukrainian residents until the end of the school year.”

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