Mac Donncha calls on Iarnród Éireann to “think again” about planned DART changes
Mike Finnerty 23 Sep 2024
Sinn Féin councillor Micheál Mac Donncha has called on Iarnóid Éireann to “think again” about planned changes to DART servives.

The Donaghmede councillor made a written submission to An Bord Pleanála, calling for the DART services to remain as is along the coast on the Northside.
Large public meetings have been held in Donaghmede and Sutton with concern being expressed locally about the planned changes.
In his written submission, Mac Donncha said “I welcome the DART + Coastal North Project in so far as it will improve rail services with all the associated benefits for commuters, visitors, our economy and our environment. Investment in and development of public transport is vital and has widespread public support. That said, serious and significant problems remain in the proposed plan, specifically with regard to the Howth Branch and Howth Junction/Donaghmede station.
He noted that the Planning Report states “significant volumes of submissions raised objections to the proposed DART shuttle service proposed to enable DART frequency on the Northern Line to be maximised. Many of these submissions centred their objections around the need to interchange at Howth Junction & Donaghmede Station, a loss of direct services to Dublin City Centre from the Howth Peninsula during peak periods, and the knock-on effects on the surrounding road network associated with increased level crossing closure times.”
“It must be emphasised that these public concerns remain among communities served by Howth, Sutton, Bayside and Howth Junction/Donaghmede stations. The concerns have not been allayed in the period since the initial consultation.”
In his view, Mac Donncha noted “the plan does not strike a correct balance between the desirable objective of maximising frequency on the Northern line and of at least continuing a high standard of service on the Howth Branch.”
“Sacrificing a direct service on one line for a more frequent service on another, albeit more frequented line, should be avoided. It appears to me that Iarnród Éireann has not shown that adequate efforts were made to avoid this and to eliminate any necessity for a shuttle to and from Howth and an interchange at Howth Junction/Donaghmede.”
“With regard to Howth Junction/Donaghmede station itself there is a lack of information on exactly what is planned for the station and a lack of consultation with the local community. At a well-attended public meeting called by the Donaghmede Estate Residents Association on 16 September 2024 it was very clear that there was no public awareness of the full implications of the plan for the station, what changes are to be made, what is to be demolished, what is to be constructed, the timeline and the impact on the surrounding area.
“A public display of plans and opportunity for exchange was organised by Arup on behalf of Iarnród Éireann in Sutton for communities on the Howth Branch. However, a request by the Donaghmede Estate Residents Association for the same public engagement in Donaghmede was refused. This is not acceptable. For such a major national and publicly funded infrastructure project public information and engagement are essential.
“In light of the above I submit that the Howth Branch and Howth Junction/Donaghmede aspect of this plan should be reconfigured to address the widespread concerns raised and, at the very least, should be put on hold pending proper public consultation with the community served by Howth Junction/Donaghmede station.”