Balbriggan best friends urge support for Hospice coffee morning
Padraig Conlon 18 Sep 2024
Two best friends from Balbriggan who have raised €28,000 through Bewley’s Big Coffee Mornings for Hospice, are set to host again this month.

From ballroom classes to coffee mornings, Bernie Rooney and Jacinta Smyth are seasoned hosts in the community.
Now they are encouraging everyone to register to host a coffee morning as part of this longstanding and much-loved national event, coordinated by Together for Hospice, which takes place on September 26.
Bernie took over hosting a coffee morning for St Francis Hospice from a work colleague 14 years ago and has kept it going since.
She felt it was important to continue with the fundraiser after seeing the vital work the Hospice did first hand.
“I’ve had a few bereavements in the family, including my dear sister Eilish, and the Hospice was really there for us,” said Bernie.
“I was flabbergasted when I first got the letter saying how much we’d raised over the years – Jacinta actually thought I’d got the figures wrong when I told her.
“Even though it was small amounts in the beginning, it all adds up over the years.”
Bernie and Jacinta are ladies’ committee members of Glebe North football club, where they host the annual event.
“It is a lot of work on the day but we have great help, we don’t just do it on our own,” said Jacinta.
“People are very supportive in Balbriggan, we have great volunteers, supporters and bakers.
“We’re partners in crime on a few things, we run ballroom dancing in the Glebe on a Saturday night as well.”
Next May will mark 25 years since the Balbriggan pair began running Saturday night ballroom dancing in the Glebe.
The strength of their friendship meant that they were even able to host a coffee morning last year, shortly after a very close bereavement.
“I lost my husband last year, he died a week before the coffee morning,” said Bernie.
“Jacinta asked if we should cancel it but I wanted to go ahead, it’s what Willie would have wanted.
“That’s the type of person he was, his brother, Dessie, had gone through the hospice a few years before and he had seen the great work they did.
“When he was diagnosed with cancer, he said to me: ‘now Bernie, there’s nothing we can do about this – whatever will be will be’.
“I had a great life with Willie and we were so lucky that the whole family could be with him during the five days before his death. We have a lot to be grateful for.”
This year, the duo will host the coffee morning on the earlier date of September 19.
Together for Hospice, The National Hospice Movement, represents 24 Hospice and specialist palliative homecare providers supporting patients and their families across Ireland.
Funds raised locally stay local and go directly to each local Hospice service to innovate, build new facilities, develop new services and deliver quality improvements and extra benefits for their patients and their family members.
Register to host a coffee morning on Thursday, September 26 – or on a date that suits you – at or call 0818 995 996.
If you cannot host or attend a coffee morning, you can make a donation at