Road safety upgrades proposed for Rush school
Dublin People 07 Mar 2024
Fingal County Council has launched two public consultations connected to road safety measures in Rush. A School Street initiative for Rush National School and a junction upgrade adjacent to the school are now open for public feedback.

The public has been invited to review plans for changes at Rush National School on the Fingal consultation portal. A proposal has been brought forward by the council’s Active Travel unit to provide a School Street in the area. This initiative is being paired with a proposal from the council’s Operations unit who have proposed junction upgrade measures at the nearby 5-arm junction at Millbank Road, Chapel Road and Whitestown Road which forms part of the 2024 Programme of Works. Together these upgrades will reduce traffic speeds in the area and provide children walking or wheeling to school with a much safer environment, at and on the approach to the school gate.
Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Adrian Henchy, says ‘The changes proposed in the area around Rush National School will encourage more families to leave the car at home or a little further away and walk or wheel for the journey into school. Arriving at school on foot promotes healthy minds and bodies and we know that children arrive alert and ready to learn having enjoyed the fresh air and the company of their friends.’
Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly says ‘School Streets prioritise children and their safety. Every child should feel safe walking, scooting or cycling to class in the morning and home in the afternoon. By temporarily closing the street to cars we are offering public space back to the children and giving them freedom and confidence as they travel.’
David Storey, Director of Services for Environment, Climate Action, Active Travel and Sport at Fingal County Council says ‘Our goal is to make active travel part of daily life wherever we can. Where we’ve installed other School Streets we see that children really enjoy being outside with their friends on the way to and from school. People who are driving also enjoy better safety as they are diverted away from busy school entrances where children are on the move. The community as a whole benefits from initiatives like this and we believe that the School Street and the associated traffic calming works are the right choice for Rush.’
Fingal County Council say they hope to make the changes during the Summer months in preparation for the September return to school. To view the School Street proposal and the proposals for one-way streets at Chapel Green, Channel Road and Mill Bank you can visit, where feedback is welcome until 23.59hrs on Friday, 22 March 2024.