1,323 homes get the green light in Donabate
Padraig Conlon 05 Mar 2024
A planning application for a housing development in Donabate consisting of 1,323 residential units, a 32-acre nature park, crèches and links to the Broadmeadow Greenway has been given the green light.

The decision follows a settlement agreement which was reached by a property company Aledo Donabate Ltd and the residents of the area.
Following a public meeting hosted by Donabate Portrane Community Council (DPCC), the 344 residents that attended the meeting voted overwhelmingly in favour of the housing project going ahead in the coming months.
The Donabate Portrane Community Council hosted a public meeting on Wednesday (21st February 2024) at the Shoreline Hotel Donabate.
The meeting was called by the community group to discuss the Corballis East SHD/LRD developments and the judicial review brought by the group.
Independent Peace Commissioner Alan Boyce moderated the evening.
Official attendance at the meeting was 344 and the public vote was passed by 232 Yes, 67.44% in favour.
The vote was independently audited by the group.
The project can now commence following a binding agreement and the judicial review being struck out following agreement by the two parties.
The first phase will consist of c.600 new homes, 2 creches, local shops and a site for a new 24 classroom Primary School.
The centre piece of the project is a nature park that remains at 13 Hectares.
The nature park will provide a natural amenity for local residents who will be able to observe wildlife throughout the year, in particular winter feeding birds that will be encouraged to feed here.
In partnership with Fingal County Council, the area will be maintained to be a world class natural habitat, stimulate education and encourage recreation without disturbing the natural habitat.
A cycle and pedestrian link to the approved Broadmeadow Greenway will be developed as will a cycle and pedestrian link which will connect the proposed development to Donabate Train Station and Newbridge Demesne via a new footbridge crossing over the Dublin/Belfast railway line.
The site at Corballis, Donabate is being developed by Aledo Donabate Ltd, part of the Cannon Kirk Group in conjunction with Lioncor.
Part of the site has already been granted permission to build 54 units and some retail to the rear of Smyths Bridge Public House.
As part of the agreement Aledo Donabate Ltd has committed to provide community support of €10,000 per annum for the next ten years with the community also benefiting from a dedicated community building in the first phase.
Donabate is defined as a strategic development area under the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES).