15 permanent noise measuring systems now in place around Dublin Airport
Padraig Conlon 29 Aug 2023
Fifteen permanent noise measuring systems in community locations around Dublin Airport are now operational following a direction by the Aircraft Noise Competent Authority (ANCA) to daa, the airport authority for Dublin Airport.

On 30 November 2022, ANCA issued a direction to daa to install and maintain permanent noise measuring systems in 23 community locations no later than 24 August 2024.
The implementation was directed to be phased so that 15 of these locations would be operational by 24 August 2023.
Arising from this direction, daa have now made 15 noise measuring systems operational and they are accessible for public viewing via Dublin Airport’s Webtrak flight monitoring system (https://webtrak.emsbk.com/dub1).

Webtrack screenshot
This information is available to communities for the visibility of near-live aircraft noise information.
The data is also used to validate noise models used in aircraft noise assessments.
ANCA also directed daa to provide two mobile noise monitors that could be rotated through communities that do not have a permanent noise monitor.
The remaining eight noise measuring systems are due to be installed within the next 12 months by daa.
The fifteen locations now live on Webtrak are:
- Ashbourne
- Balcultry
- Bay Lane
- Bishopswood
- Coast Road, Portmarnock
- Donabate
- Dunboyne
- Feltrim
- Malahide Demesne
- Roundwood
- St. Davids
- St. Doolaghs
- St. Margaret’s
- Summerhill
- Swords