Dublin Councillor condemns ‘horrific’ artwork of Michael Collins
Padraig Conlon 29 Aug 2023
New artwork in Glasnevin featuring Irish revolutionary leader Michael Collins has been sharply criticised by a South Dublin Councillor.

The mural, created by artist Liam Robinson, was approved as part of the Dublin Canvas project – which aims to ‘bring colour and creativity’ to utility boxes across Dublin and is supported by the four Dublin local authorities.
‘Mickatees’ shows Michael Collins in an Irish national army uniform, akin to ‘Chickatees’ crisps with the label ‘Tan Flavour’ included.
Michael Collins was recently commemorated at Béal na Bláth in West Cork, the location of his death in August 1922 during the Irish Civil War.
Giving his reaction, Fine Gael Councillor David McManus explained why the artwork has caused him annoyance.
“I am furious that this ‘artwork’ was approved,” Cllr McManus said.
“We should show greater respect for significant figures in Irish history, particularly those associated with the struggle for Irish independence.
“The image was unveiled on social media on the 101st anniversary of the death of General Michael Collins TD.
“It features Michael Collins in the uniform of our national army, as our first Commander in Chief.
“The label ‘Tan flavour’ is particularly horrific.
“Michael Collins was fighting a war and was determined to crush the anti-Treaty IRA which is why he adopted full military powers.
“Collins introduced internment and used British artillery against Republicans during the Irish Civil War.
“As a result, Republicans claimed that we replaced the ‘Black & Tans’ with the ‘Green & Tans’.
“The term ‘Tan flavour’ is deliberate and it’s a direct insult on the Irish national army that defended the new Irish State in 1922/23.
“I was at Béal na Bláth last weekend to commemorate General Michael Collins TD.
“This ‘artwork’ would not be allowed in South Dublin which I represent.
“It’s a matter for Dublin City Council as the image is in Glasnevin.
“However, I will be raising this with South Dublin County Council to ensure we do not allow such disrespectful artwork in our area in the future.
“Men such as Padraig Pearse, James Connolly or Michael Collins should be treated with due respect.”