Living with loss, public event for information on loss & grief
Padraig Conlon 09 May 2023
Dublin North Bereavement Network are hosting a free public event for people who have been bereaved through any circumstance on Wednesday 17th May, from 7:30pm – 9pm at Axis Ballymun.
The Dublin North Bereavement Network are hosting a free information evening on loss and grief for people bereaved through any circumstance this May – through illness or sudden death; and may have lost a partner, parent, child, friend, sibling, work colleague or relative.
The event will provide information about grief and the range of bereavement supports available in the local area.
So, whether someone has experienced a bereavement this year or at an earlier time, or is concerned about a child or friend who is grieving and wish to help, attendance is encouraged.
The guest speaker is Niamh Finuance, who is the coordinator of social work and bereavemend services at St.Francis Hospice, Raheny, Dublin 5.
Niamh has worked there for 17 years, initially as a Senior Social Worker on both the Community Palliative Care Teams and in the In-Patient unit, moving in the last 8 years to her current role.
Niamh also has previous experience in Child Welfare & Child Protection work, fostering and Medical Social Work in an acute hospital setting.
Niamh has written and presented on the role of social work in palliative care and working in bereavement.
Followed by a panel with lived experience of loss and a Q&A.
Many of the support services available in Dublin North will host stands at the event and there will be an opportunity to meet with the service providers.
There will be some bereavement information and service information available to take away on the night.
A wide range of bereavement services will be in attendance, including those who support those bereaved by suicide, homicide, sudden cardiac death, loss of a baby and services who support bereaved parents, bereaved children and bereaved adults.
These services offer a wide range of services from information, support groups, peer support and/or counselling.
Refreshments will be provided
Date and Time: Wednesday, May 17th, 7:30pm – 9pm
Location: Axis, Ballymun, Main Street, Ballymun Dublin 9, D09 Y9W0
This event is supported by Irish Hospice Foundation and funded by IHF’s Local Bereavement Development Grants.
It is free to attend, no booking required.
For more information, see: