Portrane road at risk of becoming ‘impassable’ due to erosion, says local rep
Gary Ibbotson 16 Nov 2022
Local Portrane representatives are calling on the council to carry out emergency works to save Beach Lane at Portrane Beach.

Labour Party representative Corina Johnston says the access way has been eroded to a point where it has become impassable for the 12 homes located on the road.
“Duncan Smith TD and I have been calling for the Seabees to be extended from the corner of the Beach Lane access Road to past the public right of way, which is accessed by fishermen and bird watchers, for a number of years,” she said.
“The situation has become critical in recent days with coastal erosion taking metres from the dunes along this stretch of beach and washing away the dunes at one point undermining the access road and making it virtually impassable. “
Johnston says that local residents are concerned they will no longer be able to access their homes if the situation worsens.
“I visited the area in recent weeks and met with residents who are fearful they will no longer be able to access their homes before too long especially with the high tides and winter season upon us with no coastal protection measures in place,” she says.
“The public right of way to the beach has also been undermined with a huge drop now from the right of way to the beach which is unsafe and unstable.
“It is evident that if nothing is done now to safeguard the access road it will become impassable within days and the public right of way will be diminished further and will disappear into the sea.”
Johnston said Fingal County Council need to act soon to save the lane.
“Duncan and I have been in contact with the CEO and senior officials of Fingal County Council over the last few weeks insisting that the Seabees be extended immediately from their current location from the corner of the access road to past the public right of way in order for the road and right of way to be saved.”
“A number of months ago our motion calling on the council to compulsory purchase order the access road was passed at a council meeting and while discussions had been ongoing with a landowner to provide an alternative access to the lane these discussions have ended without an agreement.
“The council need to immediately commence the CPO process to ensure the future viability of the entire access road.”