Greens encourage Skerries residents to have their say on Active Travel Plan

Padraig Conlon 29 Sep 2022

Green representatives Joe O’Brien TD and Cllr Karen Power say they are encouraging people in Skerries to get involved in the recently launched public consultation on the Active Travel Plan for the town.

The consultation, launched by Fingal County Council, will gather the views of the community on how travel in Skerries can be more active, sustainable, and accessible for everyone.

Speaking about the launch of the public consultation, Joe O’Brien TD stated:

“The Skerries Active Travel Plan represents a great opportunity to make Skerries more accessible, sustainable, and safe for everyone. It’s hugely positive that Skerries has been chosen as the first town in the county to have an active travel plan developed for it.

“The relatively compact nature of Skerries means it has huge potential to be a town fully accessible for people of all ages on foot, by bike, and for people with other mobility needs.

With some safe cycle routes to and from the town centre, schools and the train station and safer crossing points the town could be transformed. The simple pedestrian crossing at the White Cottages and more recently Millers Lane is an example of just one small change that can make a real difference to encouraging safe active travel in the town. This plan could do so much more.

“I would really encourage everyone interested in active travel to make a submission over the next few weeks so that the final plan can be as representative as possible of the needs in the town.

Cllr Karen Power said:

“This is a opportunity of huge potential for everyone in Skerries to have their say on what would make it easier and safer for them to move around the town by foot, by bike and when using mobility aids, particularly on shorter journeys less than 5km.”

”I would encourage everyone to put forward ideas in how to improve travel and public spaces in Skerries for everyone who lives, works or visits the town, no matter how you travel, to make Skerries a healthier and more enjoyable town to travel and spend time in.”

Details of the public consultation can be found at:

A webinar discussion on Active Travel in Skerries with the project team will be held on the 6th of October. Registration for this is at:

The consultation will remain open until Thursday the 3rd of November.

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