Howth RNLI launch both lifeboats to aid yacht aground with family on board
Gary Ibbotson 11 Jul 2022
The volunteer lifeboat crew of Howth RNLI launched both their Inshore and All-Weather lifeboats on Saturday, July 9 to reports of a yacht with a family of four on board who had ran aground at the entrance to Malahide harbour.

According to a spokesperson for the RNLI, “the pagers went off at 11:45 while the crew of Howth Inshore Lifeboat were preparing to launch on a training exercise and responded immediately.
“Howth All-Weather Lifeboat launched shortly after with five crew on board. Weather conditions were good with light easterly winds.
“Both Lifeboats made their way to Malahide to assess the condition of the yacht and its crew.”
Once on scene, the crew of Howth Inshore Lifeboat established that the yacht was aground but otherwise undamaged.
The inshore lifeboat crew assisted the skipper of the yacht in deploying its anchor and a decision was taken to transfer three of the yacht’s crew onto the All-Weather lifeboat to return them to Howth.
The skipper of the yacht remained on board awaiting the rising tide to free the yacht.
Speaking following the call-out, Howth RNLI inshore lifeboat helm, Fin Goggin said: “Although the weather is perfect for enjoying time on the water this weekend, it’s important to be aware of the weather forecast and the tide times and ensure it’s suitable for your activity.
“The yacht’s skipper was well prepared but unfortunately incidents like this can happen.
“The skipper did the right thing in calling the Coast Guard for help.
“As we were preparing for our weekly training exercise at the time, the inshore lifeboat crew were able to quickly respond.
“Our fellow crew from the All-Weather lifeboat launched minutes later to assist us.
“Once the pagers go off our volunteer crew drop what they’re doing and make their way to the lifeboat station to help save lives at sea.”