Lighting installed in public Ballymastone car park after safety concerns raised
Gary Ibbotson 11 May 2022
Newly installed lighting in the public car park in Ballymastone has been welcomed by local Labour representative Corina Johnston.

The installation of the lighting comes after local parents and sports club members voiced their concern about the safety of using the car park in the evening time.
Johnston says that Deputy Duncan Smith and herself have received correspondence from local residents on the matter over the past year.
“Duncan Smith TD sought an on-site meeting with Fingal County Council to discuss these important issues,” Johnston says.
“This meeting took place on February 9 and was attended by Duncan, myself and officials from Fingal County Council.
“During the meeting I highlighted the safety implications with large numbers of children/youths entering and exiting the club facilities across an uneven surface with large potholes without any public lighting.
“The council officials undertook to carry out temporary resurfacing works on the car park with a permanent solution to be discussed at a later stage.
“Further consideration was to be given to the need for public lighting.”
Johnston says that they then wrote to the council in March to follow up on the request.
The letter reads: “To ask the CEO to arrange for the installation of lights adjacent to the ESB poles at the car park in Ballymastone, Donabate before the winter season given the health and safety concerns of parents and club users with children entering and exiting the car park in the dark with cars driving in and out of the car park unable to see children crossing with little light currently.“
Johnston says that with the approval of the upcoming Ballymastone Recreational Hub, transport and car paring facilities must be upgraded to mirror the extensive development.
“Last year the Ballymastone Recreational Hub was approved by Fingal County Council which we warmly welcome,” she says.
“However we were deeply concerned that this was approved with the existing car park excluded.”
Councillors say that an increased capacity car park and a new over-flow car park is needed to accommodate the predicted surge in local facilities.
“We are delighted that in response to our ongoing representations the public lighting has been provided,” Johnston says.
“This will be of great benefit especially during the winter months.
“We wish to thank Fingal County Council for taking on board the legitimate concerns of the parents and carrying out the work.”
Johnston says that a recently passed motion should also “ensure the ongoing maintenance and upgrading of the existing car park which is so important given its proximity to existing facilities.”