Irish Grand National winning horse set to visit Fingal Ravens GAA grounds
Padraig Conlon 28 Apr 2022
The Irish Grand National winner, Lord Lariat will be visiting Fingal Ravens GFC grounds this evening for a ‘meet & greet’ with the local community at 7pm.

Fingal Ravens boast a close association with the owners of Lord Lariat, PJ and Sonya Casey.
Their show horse production business ‘P&S Horses’ sponsor the Fingal Ravens Mens Senior 2 Team.
PJ Casey, a reknowned footballer with Fingal Ravens has recently made a welcome return to play with the Senior 2 team.
PJ & his wife Sonya have enjoyed enormous success in their business producing show ring champion horses.
They were crowned the King & Queen of the RDS Dublin Horse Show in 2019, when they became the first husband and wife team in history to win the Supreme & Reserve Hunter champions in the same year.
So it’s probably no surprise that these talented horse people knew a good specimen when they selected Lord Lariat in the Tattersalls sales ring.
A very local story, PJ was born and reared only metres from Fingal Ravens GFC club, he learned to ride and cultivated his horsemanship with Ravens next door neighbours Tommy & Paul Stafford Racing.
PJ’s family are integral to Fingal Ravens.
His sister Emma coaches U10’s as well the Gaelic4Mothers&Others team and his father Patrick has coached for many years.
Children Sean and Emily both play on Ravens teams and attend Rolestown National School.
The club are proud of these loyal members and grateful to P&S Horses for taking Lord Lariat to meet his adoring fans in this idyllic rural setting of Rolestown, near Swords in North County Dublin.
All are welcome, but carpooling is recommended as parking may be limited.