‘Appalling inaction’ blamed for failure to develop historic Moore Street site
Padraig Conlon 31 Mar 2022
It was seven years ago today that the Government announced it was acquiring Numbers 14 to 17 Moore Street because of its central role in the 1916 Rising.

The decision to surrender was taken here and it was the location of the last meeting place of the 1916 Provisional Government.
‘Appalling inaction’ over seven years is how James Connolly Heron has described the record of successive Ministers who in following the developer’s agenda ‘have been sitting idly by’ with no plan of action for the promised 1916 Commemorative Centre.
Speaking on behalf of 1916 relatives and the Moore Street Preservation Trust, James Connolly Heron, great-grandson of James Connolly, said:
“Seven years ago today on 31 March 2015 the Government announced its decision to acquire the National Monument 14-17 Moore Street.
“This was welcomed at the time as a step forward for the conservation and restoration of these hugely historic houses where the last meeting of the 1916 leaders was held around the bed of the wounded James Connolly.
“We were promised that the buildings would be refurbished and opened in time for the 1916 Rising Centenary.
“Here we are seven years later and the National Monument remains closed and shuttered.
“The buildings, we are told, have been structurally stabilised and made weather-proof, but beyond that nothing has been done.
“Why is this?
“The only explanation is that Minister Darragh O’Brien and his predecessors have been following the agenda of the developer Hammerson rather than the public interest.
“It has been seven years of appalling and inexplicable inaction and insults the standing of those it purports to honour.
“Minister O’Brien has made the future of this 1916 National Monument entirely dependent on the plans of British-based property developer Hammerson, whose applications for Moore Street are currently in the planning system.
“Indeed a leading official in his Department is on record as supporting their plan to interfere with its context with the needless demolition of adjoining 19th century buildings.
“The Minister should immediately act on his responsibility and assert his authority.
“He should deliver a plan for the refurbished and opened National Monument as promised, including a visitor centre, and he should refuse consent for the destructive plans of Hammerson which encroach on the National Monument.
“Further delay on this is entirely unacceptable to 1916 relatives.”