Fingal residents to be given 16,000 trees
Padraig Conlon 22 Mar 2022
To help celebrate this year’s National Tree Week, Fingal County Council is giving away 16,000 trees to members of the public at a number of key locations across the county.

The council says it wants to help ensure that everybody can enjoy what it has on its doorstep for future generations and wants to help increase the amount of tree cover in the county.
To help do that, the free native trees will be given to households to plant in their own backyard.
Species that will be handed out by the council during the week include Alder, Hawthorn and Birch.
Anyone interested in receiving a tree to plant at their home can go to the following locations where the whips will be available from 11am – 1pm on Wednesday March 23, as well as 9am – 1pm on Saturday, March 26.
- Millennium Park, Blanchardstown
- St Catherine’s Park, Lucan
- Newbridge Demesne
- Malahide Demesne
- Ardgillan Demesne
An additional distribution of trees will take place at Ward River Valley in Swords from 9:30am – 12pm on March 26.
Full details of all the venues can be found at:
Alongside the native tree giveaway, the council will also be hosting a community planting session in Skerries on Saturday 26 March to help launch its “Forest of Fingal” tree strategy.
Members of the public should meet from 10.00 am at the Skerries Mills car park where they will be provided with shovels and where they can expect to gain insight on trees thanks to a workshop from well-known ecologist Dale Treadwell.
A limited supply of free trees will also be available at Skerries on the day for households and community groups to take home.
The council is also calling on households to take photos of their trees being planted and to share the images via Fingal’s social media channels: