Pedestrian entrance for Newbridge Demesne confirmed by Fingal
Gary Ibbotson 16 Mar 2022
A pedestrian and cycle entrance into the Newbridge Demesne in Donabate has been given the approval by Fingal County Council after months of campaigning by local residents and councillors.

The local authority confirmed the news in a letter sent to Labour TD Duncan Smith.
Local area representative Corina Johnston and Deputy Smith wrote to the chief executive of the council on February 10 requesting that the entrance way was given “the priority it deserves.”
Johnston says that previous correspondence with local councillors “suggested” that the development of the entrance way was no longer deemed a matter of urgency by the local authority.
Local residents staged a protest earlier this month calling on the council to install the entrance as soon as possible due to the unsafe nature of the current access route.
One parent at the protest said that “the existing path is so narrow that it barely fits a double buggy.
“I have three small children, my eldest is only four years of age.
“She has to walk in front of or behind the buggy, out of my arms reach.
“It is extremely dangerous for her to walk along in this manner.
“A pathway, in this day and age, should have enough room to allow a child walk safely by their parents side.
“If I meet another parent with a buggy, one of us is forced to step out onto the busy road to pass each other out.
“Buses/trucks/cars are mere inches from the side of the buggy.
“For cars driving over the top of the hill, their vision is restricted which can lead to the driver being unable to see small children until the last second,” they said.
In a response to a question tabled by Mayor of Fingal Seána Ó Rodaigh at last week’s council meeting, the council said that it aims to “get all works completed by the end of Q4 2022.”
Ó Rodaigh’s question read: “To ask the Chief Executive if consideration can be given to prioritising the opening of the pedestrian and cycle path entrance into Newbridge Demesne on the Hearse Road, Donabate adjacent to the Semple Woods Estate.”
Ó Rodaigh said that there is “very serious safety concerns for families who currently access the Demesne via Newbridge Avenue along a very narrow footpath. “
The council said that it will proceed with the works but as they “are not included in any current work programme it will be necessary to prepare drawings/ specifications for works/ materials to be used and to arrange procurement.”
The works include the opening of an existing gate in Newbridge which is currently used as temporary access for vehicles for pedestrians, and the construction of a path in the Demesne to link the existing path in the park.
Consideration will also be given to the inclusion of two traffic calming ramps on the Hearse Road at Semple Woods in future programme of works.
“We are also pleased that our representations regarding the need for provision of traffic calming measures on the Hearse Road is also being addressed,” Johnston said.
“We wish to compliment the residents for their persistence and their campaign on these important issues which we were happy to support.
“We wish to thank the CEO of the council and her staff for the manner in which she has taken the safety concerns of the residents on-board.”