Four plead guilty to illegal transportation of valuable catalytic converters
Padraig Conlon 21 Feb 2022
A recent investigation by the Waste Enforcement Section at Fingal County Council saw four individuals plead guilty to the illegal transportation of high value waste streams (catalytic converters) in order to gain profit.

Fingal secured the outcome in the District Court following a multi-agency operation targeting a metal recycling facility in Dublin 11.
Follow on investigations revealed offences under S34 of the Waste Management Act 1996 regarding the illegal transportation of high value waste streams by individuals who didn’t own a waste collection permit.
The Council were awarded legal fees and costs to the value of €6,000 as a result.
It is hoped the investigation by Fingal County Council and the subsequent costs implemented against the four guilty parties will act as a strong deterrent to others involved in the illegal collection or transportation of high value car components such as catalytic converters.
End of Life Vehicles (ELVs’) and their components (catalytic converters, lead acid batteries, alloy wheels) can have a significant monetary value.
This value can encourage the illegal dismantling of ELV’s resulting in serious environmental pollution.
Authorised Treatment Facilities (ATF’s) and metal recycling facilities can potentially facilitate this illegal activity by accepting high value waste streams from unauthorised collectors.
These high value waste streams enter the ATF’s or metal recycling facilities under the guise of ‘general public’ and are subsequently processed undermining compliant operators.
Enda Hoey from the Waste Enforcement Section at Fingal said: “We are determined to continue our efforts to improve traceability within the Waste Metal Sector and to help strengthen compliance at metal recycling facilities across the County.
“To that end, we have increased the number of inspections and audits at permitted facilities using a multi-agency approach when necessary.”