Deadline for applications for Streetscape Enhancement funding approaching
Padraig Conlon 01 Sep 2021
Fingal County Council is reminding groups and businesses in Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Donabate and Oldtown that the deadline for applications for the Town and Village Streetscape Enhancement scheme is September 7.

The funding supports the upgrade of shopfronts and building facades and the enhancement of streets and open space through painting, artwork, murals, signage replacement/removal, lighting and planting.
Applications welcome at with closing date September 7th.
Fingal County Council has been awarded €260,000 in funding by the Department of Rural and Community Development under the new Town and Village Streetscape Enhancement Scheme 2021.
This Scheme is providing €7 million nationally as part of Our Rural Future, a five year strategy to revitalise rural Ireland and make our rural towns and villages more vibrant and attractive places to live, work and visit.
The funding aims to support the upgrade of shopfronts and building facades and the enhancement of streets and open space through painting, artwork, murals, signage replacement/removal, street furniture, lighting and planting in five towns and villages in Fingal.
Fingal County Council are seeking applications from businesses and community groups in the towns of Rush, Lusk, Donabate, Skerries and Oldtown to fund enhancement works in designated areas and further details on the Scheme and how to apply online can be accessed at
The deadline for applications is 5pm Tuesday September 7.
Welcoming the announcement of the new funding by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphries, TD, the Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Seána Ó Rodaigh, said “I welcome the Minister’s announcement. This initiative will help make our towns and villages attractive and vibrant places to live, work and visit and will be a great boost to our local communities”.
Chief Executive Officer of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly said “Fingal is at the forefront of the supporting rural towns and villages in challenging economic times, and the Council will continue to lead in rural development through community and business supports and infrastructure development. The new Streetscape Enhancement Scheme is one more source of such support, and it is greatly welcomed to help local communities in enhancing the attractiveness and vibrancy of our towns and villages”.
Fingal County Council’s Director of Economic, Enterprise, Tourism & Cultural Development, Emer O’Gorman, said: “This funding continues Fingal County Council’s success in securing additional funding for local areas during this challenging time. This year has been particularly difficult for businesses and communities alike. The Outdoor Dining Scheme, funded by Fáilte Ireland has been very successful and the Streetscape Enhancement Scheme is just a further example of the ongoing investment in Fingal through a range of measures to stimulate business confidence and in helping communities be more resilient”.
Aoife Sheridan, Senior Executive Officer in the Economic, Enterprise, Tourism & Cultural Development Department welcomed the announcement “The Council has strong relationships from working with community groups throughout the county on projects across a number of funding schemes and we look forward to working with the communities in these towns and villages to deliver projects which will provide lasting benefits to the towns and villages concerned”.
The Streetscape Enhancement Scheme 2021 is provided through the Department of Rural and Community Development to promote rural and community development and to support vibrant, inclusive and sustainable communities throughout Ireland.