Skerries RNLI respond to reports of person stranded on Shenick island
Padraig Conlon 28 Apr 2021
Skerries RNLI were tasked on Monday evening after Dublin Coast Guard received a 999 call reporting that a person was stranded on Shenick island and were trying to make their way ashore through the rising tide.

At exactly 8pm on Monday evening the Dublin Coast Guard activated the pagers for the volunteer crew at Skerries RNLI.
They had received a 999 call stating that a person had been stranded on Shenick island and was attempting to wade ashore through the rising tide. The Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat “Louis Simson” was launched and proceeded directly towards the sand bar at Shenick island.
As the lifeboat approached the island, they received an update from the Coast Guard to say that the person had made it safely to the beach.
The lifeboat crew could see that there were still people on the island, and it was decided to put two crew ashore to check that they were ok and not planning on returning to shore. Once this was confirmed to be the case, the lifeboat was carefully positioned to recover the two crew from the island before returning to the station.
The lifeboat and lifeboat station were deep cleaned and made ready for the next call out.
At the time there was a force one northerly wind and a calm sea.
This was the third call out in three days for Skerries RNLI, having launched once on Saturday (April 24) and again on Sunday (April 25), bringing a total of four adults and five children to safety.
Speaking about the call outs, volunteer Lifeboat Press Officer for Skerries RNLI, Gerry Canning said: “Once again we’d like to remind people to check the tides before exploring the coastline and to remember that not all tides are the same, they need to pay attention to the tidal height as well as the time.”