Village Green space in Malahide opens to public after refurbishment
Dublin People 04 Jan 2021
The Village Green in Malahide town has been opened to the public after undergoing a refurbishment.

The new green space will “reinvigorate and enhance the open space as an area to visit and enjoy for all all,” the council said in a statement.
The refurbishment of the area included the installation of new paving, street furniture, re-contouring of the space and planting of new flora.
One feature of the new Village Green, The Town Plaza, is a paved open space and will be used for various “cultural and commercial opportunities,” according to the council.
Mayor of Fingal councillor David Healy said: “The Village Green project was part of a larger overall Public Realm Strategy for Malahide which sought to improve the public space that is available to the community of the town.
“To see the Green fully completed and open is a wonderful example of the continued hard work of everyone involved during such difficult times.
“The restrictions have delayed this project but the commitment to provide an improved amenity for Malahide did not change and this green space will provide a needed break into nature in the middle of the town for the residents.”
AnnMarie Farrelly, chief executive of Fingal County Council said the “project will greatly enhance the core village area, providing a new and improved space for both residents and visitors to relax and enjoy.
“The works will strengthen the link between The Green and Malahide village while creating a strong focal point and identity within the village and will also enhance the coastal views that can be enjoyed from the open space.”
Works on the redevelopment were carried out over the past 12 months and forms part of the Public Realm Strategy for Malahide undertaken by Fingal County Council in 2014.