Excellent result for Swords Tidy Towns in Pride of Place Awards
Padraig Conlon 27 Nov 2020
There was great success for Swords Tidy Towns representing Fingal at the IPB Pride of Place Awards which were announced recently.

The Virtual Award Ceremony last Saturday was hosted by Marty Morrissey and featured a message to the community groups from President Michael D Higgins.
While they weren’t able to be present at the awards ceremony as usually occurs, this didn’t lessen the excitement for Swords Tidy towns when the result was announced.
Swords Tidy Towns achieved the runners up position in category for population over 5000.
This hard-working local group is the life and soul of Swords and has worked very hard to keep things going throughout the worst of the lockdown months.
The group took part in a zoom call with the two judges in August where they showcased the excellent work they were doing in the town.
Pride of Place is an all-island competition that recognises improvements made by local communities to create civic pride in their area.
The competition’s focus is about people coming together to shape, change and enjoy all that is good about their area.
Now in its 18th year the competition is organised by Co-operation Ireland and is open to every local authority north and south to nominate groups to represent their county and has become one of the most prestigious community awards on the island of Ireland.
Mayor of Fingal, Cllr David Healy said:
“I would like to congratulate the Swords Tidy Towns for their fantastic achievement in the Awards.
“This Pride of Place award recognises the significant positive impact of their commitment and work for their local community, in partnership with Fingal County Council, especially in a year like 2020 with the challenges of the Covid 19 pandemic.”
Margaret Geraghty Director of Housing and Community praised the achievement saying:
“Huge congratulations to Swords Tidy Towns Committee on this award and well done to the Fingal Community Development staff for their ongoing work with community and residents groups to foster communities that people can be happy and proud to live in.”
Chief Executive of Fingal AnnMarie Farrelly said:
“We in Fingal County Council really value the work done by Swords Tidy Towns and they are very worthy winners of this Pride of Place Award.
“The contribution of Tidy Towns Committees like them and other Community Groups in Fingal is invaluable as they continue to work hand-in-hand with us to make Fingal a great place to live in or visit.
“I would like to also commend the other Fingal nominees Ballyboughal Hedgerow Society and Skerries Age Friendly for their great work in the community.”
You can view the online ceremony and find a full list of winners on the Pride of Place Website www.Prideofplace.ie