Disappointment at council decision not to permit outdoor trading on Henry Street
Padraig Conlon 12 Nov 2020
Henry Street will not be hosting outdoor trading this Christmas after Dublin City Council management made the decision to stop it due to the Covid pandemic.
Sinn Féin Dublin City Councillor Janice Boylan is one of the many who have expressed disappointment at the decision of City Council management.
“This is a very disappointing decision for the street traders and for the many people who enjoy this traditional aspect of Christmas in Dublin,” Cllr Boylan said.
“It means that even if restrictions are eased before Christmas to the extent that shops on Henry Street are open, street trading will not be allowed. I believe that is inconsistent and unfair.
“The reality is that City Council management has wanted for a long time prior to the pandemic to end street trading in Henry Street.
“I have consistently argued against that, as have councillors from across the political spectrum..
“The street traders are just as capable of making it safe to shop on the street as it is in shop premises. If restrictions are eased and if it is deemed safe to sit and eat outside a coffee shop why would it not be as safe to buy goods from a stall on the street?
“Public health advice must be paramount and of course if restrictions continue under which shops remain closed then the issue does not arise.
“But in coming out of levels there needs to be fairness all round. And longer term, beyond the pandemic, the continuation of traditional street trading on Henry Street should be secured.”