Lucky escape for two stuck on clifftop
Dale Greenwood 11 Oct 2020
THE Irish Coast Guard 112/ 999 operations centre received calls from the public reporting two people stuck 50 feet above the shoreline while trying to ascend a 100 foot cliff face near the Bailey Lighthouse today.

The Irish Coast Guard Cliff Rescue Team from Howth along with Coast Guard Rescue 116 were tasked. Both the air and land Coast Guard Rescue teams were quickly on the scene and located an adult and teenager stuck in a very precarious position on the cliffs requiring immediate extraction.
A Coast Guard Rescue 116 paramedic winched the two casualties to the Howth Cliff Rescue team above. The teenager had survived a leg injury from a fall while trying to ascend, he was stretchered back up the cliff path to an ambulance.
“This was a lucky escape for the two casualties,” a spokesperson said. “Due to the quick response by the public in calling 999 and giving an accurate location of the incident, rescue teams were able to quickly deploy.
“We would continue to encourage people to contact the Coast Guard on 999 or 112 if they see someone who may get into trouble on the Water, Cliffs or Beach. Never assume somebody else has made the call.