Baldoyle Joe’s new song is a proud call to wear your mask
Padraig Conlon 08 Oct 2020
A BALDOYLE singer songwriter is hoping his latest tune will make people proud to wear a face mask.

Joe Behan is a renowned local musician who is using his talents to share a very important message while also raising funds for Ireland’s front-line heroes.
Joe has teamed up with Ballyfermot folk and ballad legends The BeerMats for a very special song which he wrote, entitled ‘Wear your Mask with Pride’.
“I’ve written a few other songs for them over the years, so it was great to write another one and work with the lads once again,” Joe tells Northside People.
“We wanted to do something which could help, to give something back, so I hope everyone enjoys the song and gets behind it.
“We recorded ‘Wear your Mask with Pride’ just over a month ago and obviously with all the current ongoing issues with Covid the song had to be done in separate parts.
“We had a few problems which we managed to overcome,” he adds. “After all the work to put it together we’re delighted with the outcome.
“The BeerMats have done an excellent job on it, like they always do, and they are brilliant to work with.”
Aside from reminding people to wear their mask with pride, there is also another reason why Joe and the lads have released their song.
“We are doing it to say a big thank you to Ireland’s frontline heroes in healthcare,” Joe reveals.
“All proceeds from the song will go to a fundraising initiative called ‘Ireland Thanks You’ that was set up by Tom Keogh Of Keoghs Potatoes and Crisps on Gofundme. It is aiming to raise €500,000 to fund 5,000 special edition One4All gift cards to the value of €100.
“The vouchers will be presented on the public’s behalf to our frontline healthcare heroes, who are fighting a constant battle against Covid-19 all over Ireland.
“I think the fund is currently at €80,000, which is a brilliant start.”
Joe says he hopes the message of the song will be taken on board by those who refuse to wear a covid mask.
“I’m 76-years-of age so I need to wear one myself.
“But I don’t understand people who make a big fuss out of having to wear a mask.
“If the experts tell you to wear a mask then that’s what you have to do.
“These anti-mask people think they know better than medical experts, but I know whose advice I’d rather take.
“We wanted to contribute something that would send a powerful message about a very serious situation, because that’s what we’re all dealing with right now.
“I hope the song brings people joy while sharing an important message.
“Stay healthy people and help our frontline heroes by wearing a mask.”
To contribute to go to and to listen to ‘Wear Your Mask with Pride’ please click here