Dublin Level 3 restrictions lead to rise in applications for Pandemic Unemployment Payment
Padraig Conlon 29 Sep 2020
Over 19,000 people applied for the Pandemic Unemployment Payment in the past week with the greatest increase being in Dublin where numbers rose to 85,892, up 10,000 from last week.

The Department of Social Protection said in a statement that the rise party reflects, though not entirely, the effect of some areas having to be moved to Level 3 of restrictions.
“The sector with the highest number of people receiving a PUP payment this week is Accommodation and Food Service activities, up by almost 7,000 from last week,” the statement said.
“Education and Public Administration and Defence are the only sectors with a slight fall in PUP payments this week.
Commenting on the latest statistics, Social Protection Minister, Heather Humphreys, T.D. said:
“With greater restrictions being introduced in Dublin, it is not surprising to see the overall number of PUP recipients increase.
“The Government wanted to ensure that this safety net remained in place in the event that counties would face further restrictions.
“That’s why a decision was taken to extend PUP into next year and, more importantly, keep it open to new entrants.”
“These statistics are a reminder to us all that we cannot become complacent.
“We’ve come too far to let our guard down now.
“The next couple of weeks are crucial. If people follow the advice of NPHET, reduce their contacts and maintain social distancing, we can suppress this virus, protect jobs and most importantly of all, protect lives.”