Senator says Dublin renters must be protected
Padraig Conlon 18 Sep 2020
Dublin renters must be protected and the eviction ban needs to be reinstated according to Labour Housing Spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan.

Senator Moynihan was speaking in the Seanad after it was revealed that Dublin is set to move to Level 3 on the Living with Covid plan and that bar’s and restaurants will have to move to takeaway only service and outdoor dining.
“The supports that were introduced in March need to be reinstated,” Senator Moynihan said.
“We were told that the legal advice was that the enhanced rent supplement and the eviction ban were removed because travel restrictions were lifted.
“It is clear now that the public health situation in Dublin where travel outside of the county is unadvisable that these supports must be reinstated immediately.
“Threshold and other housing support services have indicated that there are queries in relation to rent supplement and rent arrears have risen s ince the eviction ban was lifted.
“The enhanced rent supplement needs to be reinstated with the revised income disregarded, 30 hour rule, and rent limits, in order to protect renters. This must cover any tenant who can prove a loss of income related to the pandemic, regardless of the length of their tenancy.
“The additional restrictions due to be announced for Dublin will disproportionally affect renters as the majority of employees in the services sector who work in bars and restaurants that will have to close are in the private rented market
“Minister O’Brien needs to immediately announce a clear communicated emergency package of supports to protect Dublin renters. We know that tenants are the most vulnerable group to lose their homes and the Minister must take urgent action today in order to avoid an unnecessary surge in homelessness this winter.”