Do not Swim Notices lifted for some North Dublin beaches..but extended for one other
Dale Greenwood 29 Aug 2020
Do not Swim Notices lifted for some North Dublin beaches..but extended for one other

TEMPORARY Do Not Swim notices issued on Wednesday, August 26 for Rush North and Skerries South Beaches and the Prior Warning Notices issued August 24 for Velvet Strand Portmarnock and Loughshinny have been lifted by Fingal County Council.
However the Do not Swim Notice issued on August 26 was extended for Front Strand Balbriggan for six days due to a poor water quality result.
Results received today ( August 29) from samples taken on August 27 indicate a return to “excellent” status for all but Front Strand, Balbriggan resulting in the removal of four notices.
However, at Front Strand, Balbriggan beach the Prohibition (Do not swim) Notice raised will be replaced and the restriction on bathing extended for six days.
Investigations are ongoing and no reportable sewage overflows/blockages were found. Sampling of the River Bracken and this bathing water will continue and investigation of other sources of contamination are being progressed.
Bathers are encouraged to register for Fingal Alerts at and ensure they opt for receiving the “Community Notices” category. For those who have already signed up to Fingal Alerts you can check if you have already opted for this category by logging in to
Members of the public can check for water quality at any of the monitored bathing waters in Ireland in advance by accessing the EPA website at or by checking the notice board at the entrance to each beach.