Mummers’ boost

Dublin People 26 Jul 2019
Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Josepha Madigan and Dublin Fingal TD Alan Farrell (FG) pictured with the Mummers of Fingal.

A NORTHSIDE group have been officially recognised by the State as one of the key elements of Ireland’s Living Cultural heritage, 

This official recognition will serve to protect and promote the practice of the Mummers of Fingal for generations to come.

Dublin Fingal TD Alan Farrell (FG) said it is wonderful to see the local practice of the Mummers of Fingal receiving this prestigious recognition.

“This activity really contributes to the cultural tapestry of Fingal and makes us richer as individuals and as a community,” he said. 

“None of this would be possible without the work of committed participants in the Mummers of Fingal and indeed volunteers all around the north county, whose involvement in their communities’ cultural practices and heritage traditions have sustained these customs over the generations.

“ I am delighted my Fine Gael colleague, Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Josepha Madigan, has honoured this custom through official State recognition on the National Inventory.” The Mummers perform at local events throughout the year. 

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