Set for a transformation

Dublin People 05 Oct 2018
Pictured at the announcement in Balbriggan was Sarah O’Callaghan, OT Leader, David Cryan, OT Leader, Kathryn Thomas, OT presenter, Felicity Moroney, OT leader, Wayne O’Donnell, OT leader and Mary Diamond, OT Leader. PHOTO: PETER HOULIHAN

BALBRIGGAN locals will be going all out to prove they are the right fit for the next Operation Transformation TV show. 

Programme producers, Vision Independent Productions, and RTE have chosen Dublin’s most northerly town for the hit series’ 2019 season. 

In a new departure for the popular programme, it will work alongside Fingal County Council community and sports officers to encourage people in Balbriggan to get active during the eight weeks of filming.

The Operation Transformation studio will be based inside Bremore Castle when the programme is broadcast next January and February and many of the various challenges, which are a feature of the show, will take place in and around the Balbriggan area.

Vision Independent Productions hope that Balbriggan will show the nation what can be achieved with a little community spirit, encouragement and the support of civic leaders and the council.

Fingal County Council has welcomed the decision. 

Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Anthony Lavin, said: “Balbriggan is a vibrant town and is an ideal host venue for Operation Transformation with its wide range of facilities.”

The announcement of Balbriggan’s selection as the host town was made in Bremore Castle at an event to issue a call for participants in the 2019 show. 

Those wishing to take part in the programme can apply online by going to and following the instructions there. 

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