Minecraft convention for Baldoyle
Dublin People 30 Oct 2015
ON Saturday, November 14, Baldoyle Community Hall will be hosting its second Minecraft Convention, this time with the addition of Animatronics and Five Nights at Freddys themes.

All ages are welcome to come and enjoy these latest ‘obsessions’.
UCD will be there again this year with their Occulus Rift (the latest in gaming technology), EV3, Lego Mindstorms (lego robots) and Drones for people to have a go with.
Around the hall will be colourful stalls offering you all your solutions to Christmas presents for any young person including cakes, clothes, shoes, books, wristbands, mugs, key-rings, bags, photos and of course, a slice of Pizza from Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria!
The cost is only €2 for children and adults go free. Money raised goes towards the running of the community hall. The event takes place from 10am to 3pm.
For more information call 01-8395338 or email [email protected]