The People’s Letters Page
Padraig Conlon 23 Dec 2021
Here is this week’s People’s Letters Page…

Dear Editor,
I’m just after watching Charlie Bird’s very powerful and emotional interview on the Late Late Show and I’m speechless.
He is such a brave man who has shown immense dignity since receiving the horrifying diagnosis of motor neuron disease .
I think everyone who watched that interview will be devastated for him and his family as he deals with this awful disease.
What really impressed me most is that even as he lives through what can only be described as a nightmare, he is thinking about how he can help other people.
Charlie told the Late Late Show audience, and viewers at home, that he was ‘blown away’ by all the support he has received.
We are equally ‘blown away’ by your strength and dignity Charlie and we wish you well in your battle with MND.
Everyone complaining about restrictions etc could do well to listen to Charlies interview and get some perspective.
Yours sincerely,
James Carney
Dear Editor,
I was born in Dublin 70 years ago and consider myself to be well acquainted with my native city.
Up to this year I had never heard of the Cobblestone Pub, described by Councillor Janice Boylan in your Page 2 piece as a ”centre of Irish Music and Culture”.
So I wonder what is the real agenda behind the hyped campaign to save this pub.
Noting that the Councillor quoted is a Sinn Fein Councillor and that fact, combined with the regular linking of the Cobblestone Campaign with the Moore Street ”Battlefield” site, as well as inclusive comment from a Mr. Jim Heron, all combine to indicate that the Cobblestone campaign is a Trojan Horse presented to Dublin City Council Planners.
I personally believe that the Moore Street site should be known as a ”Surrender” Site and additionally that the public should be more circumspect about the ”popular” causes to which they are invited to be outraged.
Tony Sheehan
Castleknock Park.
Dear Editor,
Tony Sheehan claims to be well acquainted with his native city. He needs to get out more since he appears to be oblivious to our Capital being lost before our very eyes day by day and street by street.
He wonders about ‘the real agenda’ behind the campaign to save the Cobblestone Pub. That old mud slinging guff does not wash anymore. There is, of course, a very real link between the Cobblestone Pub Campaign and the Campaign to Save Moore Street. That link is the very real threat of demolition in both cases.
Sheehan’s attempts to smear campaigner’s efforts to save the historic heart of the city with a sneering ‘nudge and a wink’ criticism is the oldest trick in the book.
For the record The Save Moore Street Campaign supported by 1916 Relatives has for over two decades met with and sought support from all political parties without favour across the board.
Meetings have taken place with six Ministers and four Taoisigh over that period.
To date only The Sinn Fein Party has seen fit to include Moore Street in their Party Programme. We have yet to convince other parties to follow that welcome lead.
Mr Sheehan believes that the Moore Street site should be known as a ‘Surrender’ site.
I refuse to rise to that disgraceful insulting bait other than to state that he is somewhat misinformed.
While the decision to surrender was taken in no’ 16 Moore Street the actual site of surrender is located on Parnell Street not far from the Rotunda.
James Connolly Heron,
The 1916 Relatives Alliance,
4 Oxford Road,
Dublin 6.
Dear Editor,
Chasing a semi-tame animal to within an inch of its life, just to make it suffer, is an activity far removed from the spirit of Christmas.
Unfortunately, a few misguided people seem intent on turning our winter wonderland into a playground for cruelty.
Though banned in 2010, carted deer hunting continues to mar the countryside at this time of year. Not on the same scale, thankfully, as it did prior to the ban, but its prevalence still warrants decisive action to halt this assault on a creature that once occupied pride of place on our pound coin.
Carted deer hunting causes immense suffering to the quarry species: The deer is released from a crate and chased for miles across country until it drops down from exhaustion, its tongue lolling and blood oozing from the many cuts and wounds inflicted.
So if, over Christmas, you happen to spot riders in colorful costumes , accompanied by hounds, in full pursuit of a deer, and you’re fairly sure it’s not Santa and his helpers keeping up with Prancer, Donner, Vixen, or Blitzen, report it to the Gardai or local SPCA.
That way, we can help to ensure that these majestic creatures are allowed to live out their humble lives in peace.
Thanking you,
John Fitzgerald
Dear Editor,
I can’t help reflecting on what’s important as in another Christmas time, we find we are still in a worldwide health crisis! We didn’t ever think we would be in this strange place, but we are!
We have a unique chance to relook at the type of community we want, the type of country and the type of world. We need to look at what we are doing to our planet?
My thoughts and solidarity are with people living with domestic abuse, it is no doubt a worse time for them where work or social interaction offered some solace and those going through sexual, mental or physical abuse.
We need to change our attitudes and make it a better society for all these people and so many others!
I also think we should spare some time to think of parents struggling with children who are feeling the strain of lockdown.
I also think we should spare some time to think of people with disability that are feeling frustrated and helpless and some time to think of our elderly that are feeling vulnerable.
Also reflect on who are our heroes at this time, our GPs, doctors, nurses, ambulance staff, care staff, etc, some of these are on low wages, we depend on them all to keep us safe and well. Have we a chance to bring in a living wage for all that are on low wages?
Let’s reflect on all those who have come forward and answered Ireland’s call, those who look after our local communities and those in need at this strange time. Those that stood up and helped and continue to do so!
We are in strange times, it’s ok to feel anxious, it’s ok to feel afraid, it’s ok to feel insecure, after all we have had our world turned upside down. Our norms continue to be not as normal for now.
In these strange times we need to keep safe and be kind, help each other where we can, contact friends and family by phone or apps.
We don’t yet know how but we will come through this and hopefully we will be a better and kinder race when we do.
For now, look after yourselves and each other! Make it a good Christmas reflect on the losses we have experienced, the sadness of loss, but also the need to celebrate life.
When this passes will we have all learned a lesson?
Will we be a better, kinder and more compassionate country?
There is a lot to reflect on now and will be a lot more when this is over!
Reflect this Christmas time on the wonder and vulnerability of life.
For now, stay safe, be kind. I wish you, your family and friends a very Happy Christmas and a better 2022 for us all.
Go raibh maith agat,
Cllr Francis Timmons
Clondalkin Area Chair 2021-2022